A Day in the Life ...

søndag den 15. juli 2012

...I almost made it two years without entering a new post, my goodness!  
Instead of trying to embark the impossible and catch up on what's been going on for the last two years, I will just take it from here...

It's vacationtime. Blessed vacationtime! 

We have two weeks of pure qualitytime together as a family. And how we have needed it. Our vacation has been my point of orientation the last weeks at work, and it kept me going.  Life has been a bit tough with Adrian's sickness and visits to the hospital added to the life of a busy little family.  And due to the precautions we've been asked to take in regard to Adrian, we've had to adjust being limited socially. And we miss seeing family & friends, but hope that  the future will allow us to cathc up on lost opportunities:)

Our first week has been filled with all sort of fun times! This family has longed for fun times and boy did we hun them down: daily trips to playgrunds, the habour, downtown Roskilde, a trip to Malmø, a roadtrip to Holbæk, Asnæs, Høve Beach and Cirkus Baldoni.

It's been fun and we've all been deadtired at the end of the day, but slept with a smile on our faces. It's vacationtime, and the fun & familytime has begun!

(I always forget to take pictures!! I'm too busy savouring the moment and forget. Must take pictures, must take pictures, must take....)

Here are a few (yes, few) pictures of happy moments during our first week:

 Happy summer!

2 kommentarer:

Louise Haibrock sagde ...

Smukke familie! I formår rigtig at hygge jer - tak for indlægget - du er jo nødt til at holde ps updated på jeres liv, nu hvor vi ikke ses så meget ;) vi glæder os til at se jer næste uge ;)

Michelle sagde ...

i'm just seeing this. your younger boys looks so much like you! he's adorable. and i love that you let your little boy run around naked on the beach too :) and you mentioned some health problems with one of your boys. i'm clueless. i hope things are going better.