A Day in the Life ...

torsdag den 4. september 2008

The food was sooo good!! Hence the lack of food on the plate, when we finally remebered to take a picture:)
This is duck in a fine orangesauce...oh, take me back!

Troels' lamb bathed in a mushroomsauce. The meat was so tender it just fell from the bone, when Troels put his fork and knife into it! We love food! One of our great treats on holidays are eating at fine restaurants. We don't buy souvenirs. We eat!
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2 kommentarer:

Michelle sagde ...

very cool. i remember talking about your mom, how she caters. looks like your following in her footsteps.

i also remember this one lunchtime when we were talking about our favorite meals. mine was this mexican chip dip sort of thing called "spoon tacos". yours was something exquisite that i'd never heard of. you thought it was odd that i considered some sort of chip dip as a meal. it never occurred to me that that was an odd thing. lol. now i use that as a story to illustrate how cultured europeans are and how backwards us americans can be.

Michelle sagde ...

ok, just another story...you really helped me appreciate mealtime. even when we'd be almost out of groceries and we had such a humble pull out kitchen table, you whip up these wonderful lunches and set the table and make everything look so beautiful. good memories.